High School
Upper Level Program (Level 9-12) (High School)
The upper lever is considered a high school level that will prepare student for college and university or employment after graduation. PACE above 1096 will earn credit toward diploma. Student need to complete at least 21 Carnegie units required for high school graduation. Those credits include, but not limited to, the following subjects:
English • 4
Math • 3
Science • 2 to 4
National History • 1
World History •1
Civics • 1/2
World Geography •1
Computer Science • 1/2 to 1
Physical Education • 2
Foreign Language • 1 to 2
Economics • ½
Electives • 4 to 8

Upper Level Curricular Framework
- Algebra I & II
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Calculus
- English grammar
- Literature and creative writing
- Biblical and character-building principles
Word Building
- Etymology
- Vocabulary development
- Stems, prefixes, suffixes
- Greek and Latin root words
- Biology
- Physical Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Laboratory experiments and reports
Social Studies
- World Geography
- World History
- American History
- Civic and Economics
- Constitution
- Collectivism
- Foreign languages
- Health
- Music
- Arts
- Speech
- Computer Science
- Bible College courses and more…..
ACE program offers three basic courses of study for graduation candidates: Honors, College Preparatory, and General Couse of Study. Parent and their children at level 8 should discuss a tentative course of study prior the high school year begins. We encourage every student to attain the highest possible academic requirement.
Honors Course of Study
The Honors program is a course designed for student who wants to pursue highest quality preparation for a college education in addition to the more rigorous College Preparatory courses. An Honor student must complete 27 credits with a 94 percent grade point average and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in written and oral presentations. His composite reading rate should be over 600 word/minute on the Readmaster program. Student should score at least 22 on the ACT or 1000 for the Critical Reading and Math scores combined on the SAT.
College Preparatory Course of Study
The student preparing for college and university should follow this course of study. Student should carefully consider the entrance requirements for the university they plan to attend. So they will be able to select high school courses that will meet college entrance requirement.
General Course of Study
This program is the minimum course of study for a standard high school diploma. Students must complete a minimum of 23 credits with an 80 percent grade point average or higher.