Kindergarten Program (Reading Readiness)
Believing that “reading is the doorway to education”, the Accelerated Christian Education program offers several avenues by which children can learn to read or increase their reading ability.
In the 1930s and 1940s, most children learned to read by studying phonics. Then schools began using the “look-say” or “whole language” method. It was thought this would help students learn faster, but such was not the case. Conclusive studies demonstrate that children and even adults who learn phonics learn to read better and faster than those who do not receive phonics training. ACE incorporates the phonics method throughout the reading readiness program.

Kindergarten with Ace and Christi
Kindergarten with Ace and Christi (reading readiness) is based on a complete scope and sequence of concepts and skills needed to prepare a child to be ready to read. This full-year program is designed for children ages K3, K4, and K5 and for those who test “NOT ready to read” (below 80%) on the ABCs of A.C.E. Reading Readiness Test.
The students learn to identify letters of the alphabet and to recognize numbers. The materials contain sixty PACEs filled with Bible and animal pictures, coordination development activities, and full-color picture stories encourage a love for reading. The program is intended to foster quick learning of the phonetic sounds for all letters so that the student is ready to learn to read. The student will also learn social skills, the wonders of God’s world, and the reality of God’s love from this program.
Benefits of Kindergarten with Ace and Christi program
- Prepares the child for the ABCs with Ace and Christi program (learning-to-read program)
- Enables the child to develop the skills, master the concepts, and achieve the level of physical development necessary for success in reading
- Lays a solid foundation on which to build the rest of a child’s education
- Permits efficient use of the teacher’s energy in interaction with the child