Accelerated Christian Education® has taken the conventionally styled textbook and divided it into bite-sized, achievable, worktexts called PACEs. Each PACE is similar to a unit in a textbook. Each level consists of 12 PACEs in each subject. PACEs integrate Godly character-building lessons into the academic content, and self-instructional activities are carefully designed to develop thinking skills and create mastery learning.
Students begin their PACE work by noting their goals, the concepts they will learn, a Bible verse, and a corresponding character trait. From the beginning of each PACE, they know what is expected and assume the responsibility for their own learning!
Throughout the curriculum the introduction of new vocabulary words is presented before the student begin the lesson so that no new vocabulary word is used without first learning its meaning and pronunciation. Also, these words are repeated a certain number of times to ensure mastery.
Full-color explanations and illustrations add excitement to each lesson, and innovative learning activities reinforce the interesting text material.

Each PACE contains several Checkups, which are quizzes covering a section of the PACE. If mastery in an area is not achieved, the Checkup will reveal that weak area. Students can then take the time necessary to review and learn those concepts before proceeding to the next lesson.
Upon completion of the activities and Checkups, students prepare to take the Self Test. Here students evaluate themselves, and a supervisor/teacher determines readiness for the final PACE Test. When the Self Test is successfully completed, the student turns in the PACE and takes the PACE Test the next school morning. The PACE Test objectively measures student mastery of the material.
Since 1970, ACE PACEs have proven to be effective tools for goal setting and for achieving academic excellence.
Character building
At ACE, our purpose in providing educational materials goes beyond simply helping students learn the academics required to enter college or get a good job. We desire to build in students a life-long burning passion to learn and grow spiritually. It is one thing to want children to be successful and quite another to provide the academic and character training to ensure this accomplishment.
Character Development
Godly character training is part of the ACE learning experience, and it prepares students to welcome and accept challenges and future opportunities. Ninety character traits, such as kindness, loyalty, and honesty, are taught within the curriculum. Students can observe character development in the true-to-life character strips and then apply the Godly character lessons to their own lives.
Scriptural Foundation
Challenging and highly effective, the ACE program is an extraordinary educational approach, Biblical in its core, that prepares students for tomorrow’s world while giving them traditional moral values that will last a lifetime.
The curriculum conveys Biblical values and concepts considered foundational to meaningful interpersonal relationships and productive learning in such a way as to become life-shaping influences.
Accelerated Christian Education—a unique program for this time in history—is building Godly citizens and Christian leaders of tomorrow. ACE is your servant to meet the educational needs of today, with the traditional values of yesterday, and the technology of tomorrow.
With ACE’s concept of individualized learning, students don’t just get by—they get ahead!
The ACE curriculum is set apart from all other curricula on the market. The special combination of academics and methodology, based on physiological development patterns and Biblical principles, provides mastery learning, critical analysis, conceptualization, cognitive reasoning, and life from God’s perspective. The curriculum will not only build up citizens with Christian values but also moral leaders in every areas of the society. These differences make ACE the most advanced educational package available anywhere in the world.